Rare and Blue: Finding Nature's Treasures
Guides by Deb – Keeping your books in the hearts of young readers and in the hands of those who care for them.
Author: Constance Van Hoven
Illustrator: Alan Marks
ISBN: 9781623540975
Publisher: Charlesbridge
Summary: A variety of rare blue species--from the blue lobster to the blue black bear--are rare and unique for a reason.
Travel across Earth to discover eight species that are blue in color and are either naturally rare, threatened, or endangered. Panoramic illustrations and a playful main text prompt a search for the blue species at hand, while the page-turn and informative sidebars zoom in to reveal a closer look at the species. There's a lot to uncover about the Karner blue butterfly, blue black bear, blue whale, Quitobacquito pupfish, Cerulean warbler, blue lobster, Eastern Indigo snake, and big bluestem grass. A surprise ending celebrates that planet Earth is the rarest and bluest and must be protected for the sake of all.