
Hi! Deb Gonzales here. I’m a children’s author, career educator, and marketing strategist who has spent years crafting resources that connect people with literature in meaningful ways. As the founder of Guides by Deb, I’ve created over 400+ standards-aligned educator guides for some of the finest books in the business. And as the founder of Pin Lit Marketing, I now help book creators harness the power of Pinterest to expand their reach and keep their books discoverable for years to come.

My expertise in education, curriculum development, and book marketing strategy makes me uniquely qualified to help authors, illustrators, and publishers boost book visibility—whether through standards-aligned guides or Pinterest strategy. With an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts, I understand the literary world from both the creative and business sides.

If you’re looking for high-quality, affordable, project-specific supplemental materials or a marketing strategy that keeps your books discoverable, let’s talk!

Stop by Deb's Author Website

Stop by Deb's Author Website

Out of Slavery: A Novel of Harriet Tubman

Out of Slavery: A Novel of Harriet Tubman

Guides by Deb – Keeping your books in the hearts of young readers and in the hands of those who care for them.

Out of Slavery: A Novel of Harriet Tubman

Author: Carol Ann Trembath

ISBN: 9780990744689

Publisher: Lakeside Publishing MI

Out of Slavery: A Novel of Harriet Tubman is a historical fiction story that follows the perilous path of the UGRR and the tragic costs of the Civil War. This compelling tale is seen through the eyes of Cece, Tilly, and Lou, as Harriet conducts them to safety along the UGRR. When they enlist in the Union Army, Harriet and her companions act together with Frederick Douglass, Colonel Shaw, and Sergeant Carney to preserve a divided nation and free a people caught in the web of slavery. It is a story of romance and realism, and the triumphs and tragedies of war.

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A Kid Lit Black History Month Celebration!

A Kid Lit Black History Month Celebration!

Fairies and the Global Tree to the Rescue

Fairies and the Global Tree to the Rescue